The Village Hall
musical comedy

Viewing and DownloadingEach audition set includes a pdf and mp3 files. The pdf contains script, lyrics and manuscript vocal lines. It can be opened in any browser and can be printed for your convenience. The mp3s can usually be played within your internet browser, but, again, you might find it more convenient to download them to your computer or device. You can download these by holding down the link on touchscreen devices and selecting 'save' or by 'right-clicking' (PC) or 'control-clicking' (Mac) and saving from the resulting menu. If you have any problems, please contact me via Facebook Messenger, email or using the contact page above.
AuditionsThe auditions on May 4th 2025 at LBT Huddersfield will be set to the backing tracks provided below. The ones marked with a star (*) are the tracks which will be played at the audition. The demos are provided simply as a vocal guide and are not intended to inform singing style or accent. For smaller named roles of any gender, please audition using the 'Company' material and specify on the day if you'd like to be considered especially for one character.
Committee treasurer and wife of Robert WaringFrances - audition material pdf
My Bobo and Me (demo with vocals)
My Bobo and Me (backing track without Frances's vocals) *
This Is Why (demo with both vocals)
Cheeley village church's vicarGeoffrey - audition material pdf
Wherever I Hear Church Bells (demo with vocals)
Wherever I Hear Church Bells (backing track without Geoffrey's vocals) *
Solo lines, huge group showstoppers and plenty of comedyCompany - audition material pdf
script and demos
Inside access to the writing process and show's development
Follow the link below to the development drive. There you can download scripts and demos to add context to your auditions and characters. All material is subject to copyright and should be treated as confidential.